CF web Aglao : EA Elite

Aglaonema / Elite Series

The Elite Aglaonemas is a proven product that maintains a high standard amongst plantscape professionals. Capri Farms has managed to build quite a reputation for growing and producing the Elites. We are the largest producer in the United States for the interior market. You will find the quality and specifications to be consistent throughout the year.

The Elite Aglaonemas are a group of hybrids that were specifically bred for commercial application. In order to create such a unique collection, breeders conducted years of research and development, testing and careful evaluation, guided by specific characteristics that make up the ideal interior plant. Characteristics that would include:

Cold Tolerance –
Tolerating lower temperature would allow safer transportation and on the job performance.

Low Light Application –
A plant that can tolerate lower light conditions is an essential characteristic that is desirable to all great interiorscape plants.

Suckering –
Plants that have a tendency to produce offshoots from the main stock will ultimately guarantee a fuller lush look to the
finished product.

Strong Roots –
A healthy strong root system that not too overly aggressive creates a balanced mix of roots and soil media allowing sufficient moisture and air retention.

Insect & Disease Resistance –
Certain species have proven to be more resistant to insect and deceases than others. This was a
determining factor in the evaluation process.

Leaf Size & Shape –
Size and shape definitely determines look and character of the individual plants. A creative dimension for interiorscapers to consider.

Long & tall …. Black Lance
Broad & wide …. Brilliance and Peacock
Smaller & Classic … Mary Ann, Jubilee, Green Lady, Indo
Queen and White Rain.

Color & Texture –
Color and texture, perhaps two of the most important elements that influences successful design.