Palms – Bamboo

Palms / Chamaedorea Bamboo …

Chamaeodera Seifrizii & Florida Hybrid Bamboo Palms –
Excellent choice for interiorscape applications. Very good in medium light levels. Stems are long and slender with “nodes” very similar in appearance to real Bamboo’s Clustering fronds with multiple dark green pinnate leaflets. Usually available in 10”, 12”, 14” and 17” pots.

Chamaedorea Seifrizii Bamboo – Multi-trunk palm with thin olive green leaves. Upright column growth profile. Also called the Reed Palm.

Chamaedorea Florida Hybrid Bamboo –
A hybrid of both Chamaedorea Erumpens and Chamaedorea Seifrizii. Erumpens have broader pinnae (leaflets) than the Seifrizii.